the YYY-Files are Stoke City Stories,
and they’re told by you.

File zero

File Zero tells you everything you need to know about The YYY-Files, including what it’s all about, why it’s here and how you can get involved.

In short: The YYY-Files is a Stoke City podcast, but unlike anything you’ve heard elsewhere before.

Stoke City Football Club is one of the oldest in the world, with over a century-and-a-half of history. Thousands, if not millions, of people became fans of this club. Think of all the untold tales, the sacred stories and the forgotten fables that have been generated over that time.

The YYY-Files was created to resurface them, to archive them and to broadcast them to fellow fans of the present and of the future. Every single Stoke fan has their story to share. They all deserve to be heard.

As a brief overview, the three main shows are:




  • The Files: Stoke City fans talking about their journey, experiences and relationship with the club.

  • DYYYSCLOSED: interviews with Stoke City personalities who aren’t necessarily fans of the club, but still have a great related story to share.

  • MYYYLLIONAIRE: a Stoke City quiz for Stoke City fans.

    The podcast is available to be listened to on all major podcast catchers.

*ANY* fan or *ANyONE* with a meaningful connection to Stoke City is welcome on the podcast.

If you’re interested in getting involved, start by clicking the button below:

the mission: to be the go-to archive of stoke city experiences, told by those who lived them.

These are conversations had in stadiums, pubs, homes and more throughout the world. The only difference here is that they’re recorded and broadcasted.

The YYY-Files is an ever-evolving and growing project. Ultimately you, The YYY-Files and Stoke City fans will decide how this platform grows.


“when there is so much noise and when you think the soul of football is bankrupt… along comes this diamond which personifies stoke city fc and the beating heart of the area”

Peter - Apple Podcasts Review

“one of the best podcasts I’ve ever listened to. a brilliant piece of content”

@harpsjoey - Twitter

"thank you for giving me a platform to share and re-live this incredible journey on the yyy-files”

Chiraag Gokal (@Ch17aag) - Twitter


all-time listens since May 2019



countries listened in



rated via Apple Podcasts reviews


My name is Ben Rowley. I’ve been a Stoke fan since 2010 (a season ticket holder since 2014) and I’m in love with the club and its fans. So much so that in the past I’ve created YouTube videos, spoken on podcasts, written countless blogs and appeared on Sky Sports: all in a bid to add to the collection of content available to Stoke fans.

I created The YYY-Files because I believe it is unique. I love hearing the kind of stories that feature on The YYY-Files and I believe that others do too. I wanted to create something timeless, something original, something personal. I hope you enjoy digesting the content as much as I do broadcasting it. One day, I may share my story too.

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If you’ve got a question, or would simply like to get in contact, feel free to use the form below!